English Translation By: Uzair Mehr 


1.    Bravo to the breeze


Originally written in Balochi by: Chandan Sach


Bravo to the breeze that revives the intoxication of the goblet in your memory

Bravo to my heart that sprouts vernal recollections

A memory will sweep for it is the tale of bygone time

A verdant smile will billow on your lips

Come and fan the paleness of scrumptious dream’s intention

My heart is the same and I have been waiting for such an age


2.    A Neem Tree Will Remain at Home

Originally written in Balochi by: Chandan Sach


It’s a melancholic time of life

A mountain, sea, a gentle chirp of cranes,

 verdant memories have halted for arrival

A door is open afar

The caravans have set out now and are blistered paths

It’s evening

In this evening,

I have set in association of the land

The time has forgot its way like an old soul

That runs along the streets

There’s not any serenity in this nook

I am sitting a mountain, sea, a gentle chirp of cranes,

It’s the circumstance of life

A cloud is cantillating in the far-off haze of thoughts

The contours of melodies have broken

Like the journey of the eyes of your stories’ character

I reason out this story

Take away the colors and I come out of frame and return

A neem tree will remain at home

 a cat or a parrot will come to sing the songs of pale hearts at the door of night

the season of colors will change

a horse will run along the streets again--- and you will be solitary in the frame.




3.    When you come

Originally written in Balochi by: AR Arman


When you intend to come,

Bring along that old clock in your package

For we both have been searching for the halcyon times of this clock for an age.


4.    My Desire

Originally written in Balochi by: AR Arman


It is my desire to set my soul in your lap,

and a new era would come with fragrances of the soul

and ward my dreams and in the very era

it will plant a bouquet of flowers so that this fire will be exalted

and the igneous afflictions of the world should be planted on the feet of my soul


5.    The Solitude

Originally written in Balochi by: AR Arman


Are you thinking that the solitude was a sorrow?

Or an indited song on the lips of birds

Or like an evolved world

Whatsoever, the solitude would be dazzling only

As the sky is fulgurous with the stars



6.    I Will Be an Oozing Memory Tomorrow

Originally written in Balochi by: AR Arman


The boats lurch in my dreams every night

And I will be a dessert ooze out in the streets of memories

 I seek an acquainted man returning

I have tied the childhood like a prayer in the shrine

A thirsty era might not have a little bit of inkling of my return

If it comes to visit the shrine

If I hand over a flower to everyone in front of the grave

The basil flower of the time might pick musk and ambergris of memories




7.    I Split the Sky

Originally written in Balochi by: AR Arman


The world picks up embers from the branches of my dreams everyday

And I take the cold and fervent embers

The radiant time of sorrows

And split the sky


8.    I Miss You

Originally written in Balochi by: Asif Shafiq


I miss you while sitting on a gloomy bench

When the moon moves around the brumous sea

I miss thee

Neither the wind quells

Nor the waves stay still

The trees too cease to sway

In this very moment, I have dispatched the half flying birds of desires

Where are you

Where are you that the wings appear to pass out in half-way

The dreams of eyes fade away

The wind buries the impressions of thoughts that have arrived from the far-flung distances of dessert




9.    The Unknown Darkness

Originally written in Balochi by: Honak Ghaibi


There are high walls of symbols around us

The man keeps impinging his head against these symbols throughout his life

And one day the drama of his life nonsensically finishes


10.  The Traveler of Dreams

Originally written in Balochi by: Honak Ghaibi


The past travelers of dreams are lost today

The present destination of desires speculates

Whoever has not seen the thirst will die

Announce the word of thirst in the market of life

An acquainted person is a companion in the citadel of dreams

The one who has left, knows the era of his own

The one who has come, the earth will be enamoring

The rains fall and springs come back

The awe of exuberant mornings will return

The birds play over the flowers

The pains play over the houses

Brave to the breeze that it smiles

We are in succession of every departure

We are in association of every arrival




11.  Let’s Waken the Night

Originally written in Balochi by: Honak Ghaibi


Come let’s be awake this night

The springs of this life will fold their way tomorrow

I also go away 

You too move away

Come for the life yearns for the desires of plays today




12.  Picasso Cries at the Seashore

Originally written in Balochi by: Honak Ghaibi


The moon stays in the sky far away,

 and looks its shadow

the earth is radiant

someone is standing by the window,

and playing with a flower and missing someone

suddenly a cloud comes and snatches up the scenes

the hush cuddles the streets

the tears come out of the window

the restlessness falls asleep

the moon comes in a picture

Picasso is standing at the seashore and crying



13. The Memory of My Beloved

Originally written in Balochi by: Honak Ghaibi


How mesmerizing is the memory of my beloved

The sky came at my home today

I think over the sky in association

The sun kisses the headscarf of my beloved at gloaming