ندکار : هسن اسکری …
ندکار : هسن اسکری …
Translated to English by: Uzair Mehr 1. The Bitterness Originally written in Balochi by: Asghar Zaheer It was the holy month of Ramadan. He yearned for some vegetables and fruits. He visited and trav…
رجانکار: اُزیر مِھر کِسّہ کن اَنت کہ یک ب…
رجانـکار : اُزیـر مـهر یک هستومندیں مردے ءَ یک باز شرّ رنگیں جنیں چُکّے هست اَت. وهدے کہ جنک سیر ءُ سانگ ءِ واستا جریدگ بوت، جنک ءِ پت ءَ سرجمیں میتگ ءُ بازار ءَ همے جار پِرّینت کہ دْراهیں لائکیں جْوان باید اِنت بیا ا…
Originally written in Baloch by: Yasir Karim Translated to English by: Uzair Mehr Sachan, while weeping, entered the balcony of his house. His mother saw him weeping. “Who beat you that you are weeping my s…
I am Uzair Mehr, a computer science (IT) Student and technology-geek . I am an enthusiastic blogger, avid reader, passionate writer and translator. I have an insatiable thirst for Arabic, Balochi, English, Persian, Urdu literature alike. In my free time, I would love to read books, watch staggering movies, hang out with pals, immerse myself into natural sites and cogitate about the entire world stretching in front of me For your valuable suggestions and feedback, you can contact me at: meherb58@gmail.com.